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Technology Symposium Opener Video

TSMC 台積電  -  Technology Symposium Opener Video 發佈會開幕影片
Blueprint of a future digital age.

2018年,JL DESIGN受全球百大企業之一的台積電邀請,為一年一度最重要的技術論壇製作開場影片,解析度高達 7K的「台積電發佈會開幕影片」,在一開場以45秒的時間,開啟台積電在人工智慧新思路的想像起點。做為業界的全球科技盛事,論壇首站在美國 Santa Clara 開跑,緊接著在全球其他11個地點,跨國巡迴演講。
視覺上透過晶圓驅動各種數位運算開始,推展出一幅數位思維藍圖,從而發展協助人類邁向更美好的將來。在這幅藍圖上,立體地呈現不同的⼈工智慧應用平台(手機、無⼈車、飛機 、電腦、物聯網 ),打造出超乎想像的未來可能,也象徵台積電攜手⼈工智慧,帶領人類走向新的數位思維世界。

The world’s largest semiconductor foundry, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) is one of the world’s largest companies by market capitalization and a pillar of Taiwan’s economy.
Eaer this year, JL Design helped TSMC to produce a 45 seconds video and the theme reflected the company’s push to have its enterprise-level clients adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI). The video produced at 7K and was used to to welcome attendees to the company’s annual Technology Symposium in Santa Clara, California as well as 11 other TSMC events around the world — the most prestigious event of the year in the semiconductor industry.
The video’s concept is rooted in TSMC’s wafer development, demonstrating the various different applications of TSMC’s products and how it is laying out the blueprint for the future digital age. TSMC’s products power the most innovative parts of the new economy - a brand new world of a digitally transformed economy begins on a production line at TSMC. The emphasis of the video is on the diversity of industries and applications that use this made-in-Taiwan silicon, from AI, Tech and Big Data to other businesses/ industries like communication, automation, e-commerce and aviation.
Executive Creative Director: JL羅申駿
Executive Producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪
Creative Director: David Tsai 蔡旻驊
Associate Creative Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Head of Production: Chia Ying Tsai 蔡佳穎
Senior Project Manager: Wing-yee Kwan 關穎儀
Motion Designer: Julian Chen 陳安, Children Chiu 邱柏鈞, Jim Hsu 許峻良
Styleframe artist: Utsuo Chen 陳映男
Music: MUSDM
Technology Symposium Opener Video

Technology Symposium Opener Video

TSMC Opening Video
